Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Roommate Matchup for Vancouver IIE Conference

Looking for a roommate to split the cost of a hotel room in Vancouver?

Post a comment below or respond to someone else's post. Include name, chapter, phone or email, check in and check out dates.

All contact information will be deleted after the Vancouver Conference is held. Still, only include information you're comfortable sharing on the Internet.

Student Chapter Deadlines Approaching

Western Region University Leaders,

I wanted to send out a quick reminder about upcoming April deadlines.

Please ensure that your tax filing and CAR are ready to turn in by mid-April… under 2 weeks away!

Let me know ASAP if you need assistance with either form. We can schedule a conference call for next week (possibly Monday, April 14) to walkthrough filling out the forms. If you are interested in attending please respond with your preferred time.

Options for CAR / Tax Form Teleconference:
A: 4/15 7:00 to 8:00 AM Pacific
B: 4/15 Noon to 1:00 PM Pacific
C: 4/15 4:00 to 5:00 PM Pacific
D: 4/15 5:00 to 6:00 PM Pacific

== Important Deadlines ==

Apr 16: Chapter Tax Filing Due
Apr 28: Chapter Activity Report Due
Apr 30: 2008-2009 Officer Slate Due
May 01: Quarterly Chapter Grant Deadline

Michael C Hogan
IIE Western Region AVPSD

Monday, March 17, 2008

IIE Western Region University Conference - Spring 2009


Thank you for your continued involvement and leadership as members of the IIE Western Region.

A couple quick notes regarding the Western Region University Conference and the process for selecting the host of next year's conference, as well as a couple of quick reminders below…

Choosing the 2009 Western Region University Conference Host

We will select the host of the 2009 Western Region Univesity Conference by email.

If your chapter would like to host the 2009 conference, please provide the following information in a letter of intent by Friday, March 28, 2008:
  1. Name, phone number, and email of your chapter faculty advisor
  2. Name, phone number, and email of the student who will be the primary lead in organizing the conference
  3. Date by which your chapter will know its officers for 2008-2009
Host selection: Kaz, Sarah, and I will review letters of intent received from interested chapters. If more than one letter of intent to host the 2009 conference is received, then we will seek additional information about plans for a theme, number of students able to assist in conference planning, budget, etc. A host chapter will be selected and all chapters will be notified.

Notes from the 2008 Western Region University Conference

I'd like to thank Lorna for her teriffic leadership and execution of the IIE Western Region University Conference at Cal Poly. I have attended many region conferences, and this spring's conference raised the bar on what a University Conference can offer our membership. The speakers, panels, and tours were both fantastic and educational, attendee turnout was high, the atmosphere was energetic and enthusiastic.

The most impressive aspect of this year's conference was the comprehensive theme of sustainability and "fronteering" in engineering. Sucessfully developing a conference around a core theme requires a tremendous degree of planning, coordination with speakers, and overall creativity. Lorna and all those who helped her develop the SLO conference did a fantastic job identifying and executing a conference theme that was engaging to all those who attended.

I'd also like to highlight the overally quality of the technical paper competition this year. The technical papers presented at the conference demonstrated the level of talent that is present across our region's universities. Not only were the papers well written, but the presentations were very professional this year. We look forward to even more participants in 2009. Good luck to the technical paper competitors that will be continuing at Nationals!

2008-2009 Chapter Elections

The official deadline for holding university chapter elections is 30 April, 2008. You need to submit your 2008-2009 slate of officers by 30 April.

If you plan to host next year's region conference, we ask that you conclude elections and solidify your officer slate by the first week in April. Please contact me if that is impossible for your chapter.

Consider using an online tool to facilitate your election. A quick Google search found these:

Important Deadlines

(be sure to check for official dates)

Mar 01: RVP Evaluations Due (you may still submit to Kaz and I)
Mar 15: Faculty Advisor Evaluation Due (you may still submit to Kaz and I)
Apr 16: Chapter Tax Filing Due
Apr 28: Chapter Activity Report Due
Apr 30: 2008-2009 Officer Slate Due (your elections must be held in April)
May 01: Quarterly Chapter Grant Deadline

Friday, January 11, 2008

Reminder on Regional Conference

Hope everyone is doing well so far. Things are going smoothly here in Cal Poly: San Luis Obispo and everyone is excited for the conference!
This is a reminder that the deadline to register is on the 15th of January. The fee is $35 as of right now so be sure to register!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Western Region University Chapter Health

IIE has updated it's health status report for the Western Region. The official report is available on the Student chapter requirements / Health status website.

A health report summary is provided below. Please contact me if you need assistance moving your chapter from Red to Green. Red chapters do not receive money from IIE HQ for dues paid to IIE by registered members. Red chapters are also ineligible for many IIE awards.

A chapter will maintain Green status if the following requirements are met (remember to check the official version for the latest requirements) :
  1. The faculty advisor and all chapter officers must be current members of IIE
  2. US chapters must provide annual IRS submission (tax filing) by April 16
  3. Must submit bank statement for period ending March 31 by April 16
  4. Must submit annual Chapter Activity Report (CAR) no later than April 28
  5. Must submit slate of officers by April 30
  6. To hold at least one chapter activity (meeting, tour, etc) per semester/quarter
  7. Must send at least one chapter communication per semester/quarter (flyer, e-mails, meeting announcement)

Green Chapters
Montana State University (MT)
Arizona State University-Tempe
Cal. Poly St. University (SLO)
CA. State Poly Univ-Pomona
San Jose State University (CA)

Red Chapters
Cal State-Hayward
University of Calif-Berkeley
Univ. of Southern California
New Mexico State University
California State University
Oregon State University (OR)
University of Washington (WA) -IIE
Colorado State University (CO)
University of Arizona (AZ)
Colorado State University - Pueblo
University of San Diego

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

IIE Western Region Web Site Available

IIE has made a special web site for the Western Region available.


Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Cal Poly SLO cordially invites you ...

The Institute of Industrial Engineers student chapter at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo is proudly hosting the 2008 IIE University Regional Conference for the Western Region. Each year industrial engineering students and faculty meet to participate in the technical paper contest, to take part in social networking events, a job fair, and to exchange academic and professional knowledge at this weekend event.

The conference is scheduled to kick off Thursday evening March 6 at our world-famous Thursday Night Farmer’s Market and official events are scheduled for Friday March 7 through Sunday March 9 under the theme “Fronteering in Industrial Engineering”. The purpose of this theme is to encourage students to explore new and exciting fields that are currently in developmental activity in Industrial Engineering. Guest speakers and workshops will focus on topics such as sustainability, future energy, disaster recovery, community service projects, and ID and verification technology.

The following are several important issues and dates that we would like to bring to your attention:

The registration packets for the conference will be sent out November 15 and will include hotel information and promotional flyers. There will be an early registration fee of $30 per student and a standard registration fee of $35 per student. In order to qualify for early registration all forms and fees should be received by December 15.

Technical Paper Competition:
Each chapter can submit up to two papers, and we hope that each chapter will submit at least one. All submissions should be submitted in triplicate and relieved by February 1, 2008. In order to meet this deadline we strongly suggest that each chapter make arrangements to hold their local chapter paper competitions in early January. The guidelines for the competition and the submission forms will also be included in the registration packet.

If you have any questions regarding the conference or any of the events listed above, please contact:

IIE President-Cal Poly Chapter
Lorna Mosher

IIE Advisor-Cal Poly Chapter
Liz Schlemer